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August 14, 2021

Passengers Behaving Badly & the Glass Ceiling Isn't Broken Yet
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Episode Segments:
Passengers Behaving Badly
As more and more Americans travel by air, reports are soaring of bad behavior by passengers. Some involve physical violence against airline personnel. We'll look at possible causes and solutions with Loretta Alkalay, former FAA eastern regional counsel, Adjunct Professor at Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology.
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The Glass Ceiling Isn't Broken Yet
Despite progress in recent decades, there still a significant leadership gender gap in American business, as even today, women fill just 6% of CEO positions at Fortune 500 companies. Leadership coach, Jenn Donahue says more mentoring might help.
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Dangerous Nationwide Shortage of Blood Plasma
You may have heard about a national blood shortage but there's related life-threatening crisis: a shortage of plasma donors. Patient advocate John G. Boyle explains the the vital uses of plasma and how to find a donation center near you.
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