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May 22, 2021

The Shocking Health of the Homeless & a New Approach to Traffic Safety
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Episode Segments:
The Shocking Health of the Homeless
A surprising study from Ireland found that the physical condition of homeless people in their twenties, thirties and forties is similar to 70 and 80 year olds in the general population. We'll talk with Professor Julie Broderick, BSc, MSc, PhD, from Trinity College Dublin/the University of Dublin, to explore the possible reasons behind it and what can be done to help the homeless.
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A New Approach to Traffic Safety
Traffic deaths in the U.S. have remained nearly unchanged for many years. A new report offers a safer blueprint for a "Safe System" apparch to road design that could save thousands of lives each year, according to Jeffrey Michael, EdD, Distinguished Scholar in the Department of Health Policy and Management and the Leon S. Robertson Faculty Development Chair in Injury Prevention at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.
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Green Spaces = Better Health?
Parks and green spaces not only add beauty to cities and towns. We'll talk with Roy Remme, Ph.D., postdoctoral scholar with the Natural Capital Project, who led a study at Stanford University that found that parks, trails, and open green spaces can also have significant health benefits.
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