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April 17, 2021

Education and the Pandemic, Statin Drugs and Your Health
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Episode Segments:
Education and the Pandemic
The pandemic has impacted America's education system in many ways. One positive aspect is the use of modern technology, with real time audio video interaction. Ravi Hutheesing, author of “Pivot: Empowering Students Today to Succeed in an Unpredictable Tomorrow,” joins us to explain how the COVID-19 lockdowns exposed the strengths and weaknesses of America's education system.
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Stain Drugs and Your Health
Roughly 35 million Americans take statins to lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke. But are enough people taking statins? Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, MD, Preventive Cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic says the answer is no.
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Small Business Struggle to Find Employees
Startling statistics show that over 100 million Americans are currently out of the labor force, and less than 6% of those are even looking for a job. Holly Wade, Executive Director of the National Federation of Independent Business Research Center, said that 91% of small businesses said they had few or no qualified applicants for job openings in the past three months. She explained what may eventually reverse the trend.
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