Credit Card Debt and Deaths of Despair Both On the Rise
Episode Segments:
Credit Card Debt on the Rise Over half of adult Americans--who already owed money on their credit cards--added more to their card debt in the past year. Ted Rossman, Industry Analyst at, shares the findings of a recent survey that shows the millennial generation was hit hardest.
Deaths of Despair on the Rise A study of suicides and alcohol and drug-related deaths shows a disturbing rise in these “deaths of despair” over the past year. Casey B. Mulligan, PhD, Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, explains how the deaths of elderly people diagnosed with COVID-19 differs from the rising self-destruction of younger Americans in 2020.
The Activity that Beats Walking to Lower Blood Pressure High blood pressure is unhealthy, and your doctor may recommend a daily brisk walk to bring it down. Phil Chilibeck, PhD, Kinesiology Professor at the University of Saskatchewa led a recent study that points to an even more effective activity to lower your blood pressure.