Geo-Engineering with Matt Landman, Hr 1 Richard welcomes a filmmaker and leader in 5G and geo-engineer/chemtrail awareness and activism to discuss a plan by scientists at Harvard, and backed by Bill Gates, to dim the sun by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere as a means of forestalling global warming.
.Guest: Matt Landman has gained recognition as a leader in 5G and geoengineering/chemtrail awareness activism. He presents unprecedented and view-changing information directly from official documentation and accepted research. He created the social change documentary Frankenskies, bringing awareness to ongoing atmospheric aerosol injections, chemtrails, weather modification programs and geoengineering. He has hosted a series of conferences, events and protests concerning the questions surrounding chemtrails and relentlessly continues to speak out against the ongoing lies in our skies. In 2018 he hosted the third Global Summit to Stop Geoengineering in Tucson Arizona, protesting the SCOPEX sky-dimming experiment, after which the experiment was placed on ongoing hiatus.
Geo-Engineering with Matt Landman, Hr 2 Richard continues the conversation with Matt Landman, as they discuss the health effect of chemtrails, frightening UFO patents held by the US military, plus some excellent listener questions.