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December 06, 2020

Lockdown Tyranny & Rigged Election?
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Episode Segments:
Lockdown Tyranny
Richard welcomes an author/historian to discuss how the disastrous response to the Covid-19 "pandemic" has destroyed the economy, negatively impacted public health, and severely infringed upon constitutionally protected rights and freedoms.

​ GUEST: Don Jeffries is a critically acclaimed writer and the author of several works of non-fiction, including: Hidden History; Survival of the Richest; Crimes and Cover-ups in American Politics; and Bullyocracy.

Here is the text of a powerful letter Richard read, which has circulated among Greek Orthodox churches in the Toronto area:

A quote from Theodore the Studite: For it is a commandment of the Lord not to be silent at a time when the faith is in jeopardy. Speak, scripture says, and hold not thy peace.

How is our faith not currently in jeopardy? We are human beings created in the image of God. And while our humanity at first compelled us to obey the lockdowns to protect each other, today our humanity is being intentionally attacked and diminished by dark forces. We are being told to cover our faces, to restrict our breathing, to stay away from each other, to socially impair our children, to let our sick die alone, to delay our medical check ups, to shutter our businesses and endanger our livelihoods, and to turn our entire lives upside down.

Even worse we are being told by our lawmakers that our houses of worship, our spiritual hospitals, are not essential to our lives--a direct attack on our humanity. And lastly, most devastating to our humanity, the lockdowns around the world are triggering mass poverty and unimaginable loneliness, pain, hunger, and untimely death.

All of this is antithetical to our Christian faith. Since the very beginning, the so-called pandemic has strained credulity. Now many months later, the real untainted data has confirmed both the exaggerated nature and the mismanaged handling of this crisis. A novel coronavirus, but from a familiar family of viruses for which we have some innate immunity, a mortality rate very similar to seasonal flu as confirmed by many epidemiologists, a widely adopted testing threshold poorly suited for live virus detection, but perfectly suited for case inflation, a widely adopted liberal approach to recording mortality but perfectly suited for death inflation, a much-hyped incredulous and oft-repeated mantra that life will only return to normal after the vaccine, a vaccine that will forever alter the DNA of human beings, while supposedly protecting us against the virus with a 99 percent survival rate, a host of promising medicines and treatment protocols for the infected that have been suppressed and unduly rejected and kept from us by the medical establishment.

Unfortunately our Christian love for neighbor has been used against us, and our compliance with all the measures to date and our collective silence has unintentionally and mistakenly signaled our willingness to accept this new normal.

We should not accept it.

Globalist oligarchs posing as philanthropists cannot hide their giddiness, as our world is pushed towards the brink of chaos, and towards mass mandatory vaccination and transhumanism. Our leaders seem gleeful and dutifully participate in our own country’s social and financial destruction, with the same push towards globalist agendas that do not benefit Canadians and Americans, and local leaders accept billions of dollars in assistance while doling out funds in the hope that this assuages our loss of humanity and the attack on our faith.

We should not accept this.

Our humanity is our strength. Our faith is our calling. And the time has come to hold not our peace.

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Rigged Election?
Richard speaks with a former army officer turned whistleblower who discusses some of the testimony of expert witnesses who have come forward to allege that hundreds of thousands of votes were switched from Trump to Biden across all of the swing states. He'll also discuss rumors that multiple raids on the servers of vote rigging systems were conducted in three countries.

​ Guest: Jeffrey Prather is a retired army officer, former DIA intelligence analyst and former DEA investigations officer, turned whistleblower. He served on the B Team of Special Operations Forces. He now serves his country as a civilian analyst. He's the host of "The Prather Report" a weekly talk radio show. Jeffrey is a martial arts master, firearms instructor, published author, speaker, father, husband and chaplain.

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