Life-Saving Smartwatch A prototype smart watch has been developed, that will monitor drug levels in your body, in real time. Sam Emaminejad, PhD, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering, says it’s wearable technology that will allow doses to be tailored to individual needs.
Lockdown-Related Alcohol Abuse Millions of Americans are quarantined at home. Many feel isolated, and this increases the risk of alcohol abuse. Lisa Boucher, RN, is the author of “Raising the Bottom: Making Mindful Choices in a Drinking Culture.” She shares warning signs and what to do if you need help.
The Loss of Civics Education Is America’s education system neglecting to teach young students about our nation’s history? Is it important that kids learn about the founding documents of our country? Roger Beckett, Executive Director of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University, says for years, the teaching of history and civics has taken a back seat to STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education.