NIB NDE Symposium & "Closing the Medical Gap of Care of NDE Patients.
Episode Segments:
NIB NDE Symposium & "Closing the Medical Gap of Care of NDE Patients. Lilia Samoilo, a return guest to the show, is a near-death experiencer and has been a mental health and spiritual counselor for over 35 years. As a minister and an international veteran NDE educator, she coined the phrase “closing the medical and spiritual Gap of Care for NDE patients,” and spent years raising awareness about NDEs worldwide to medical professionals and clergy. Lilia is an associate of Dr. Diane Corcoran’s Vet NDE Project, and both of them were invited by Heidi Walsh to be co-commentary authors for the NIB NDE Symposium, published in MUSE by John Hopkins University Press, May, 2020 issue.
Heidi Walsh is the Managing Editor for Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics: A Journal of Qualitative Research (NIB). NIB is published on behalf of the NIB Foundation—a non-profit charitable organization committed to fostering education and research in bioethics. The journal publishes personal stories that describe complex human experiences, and Volume 10, Number 1 is titled, “Healthcare after a Near-Death Experience.” In addition, Heidi is a Senior Project Manager in the Bioethics Research Center at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and has worked in clinical settings with emergency and behavioral health patients in the past, sparking her passion for finding ways to improve the patient experience. Heidi has a Master’s degree in Public Health, and is a Certified Health Education Specialist.
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