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June 28, 2020

Suze Orman with Smart Money Moves, Plus the College Gender Gap
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Episode Segments:
Suze Orman's Smart Money Moves
The US economy has taken some twists and turns in recent times. What are the best strategies for those who may be planning for retirement? And how can we make our money last a lifetime? Suze Orman, author of many financial advice books including "The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+: Winning Strategies to Make Your Money Last a Lifetime" joins us with some sage advice.
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The College Gender Gap
There’s a gender gap in higher education, with fewer men than women attending college. Why has this happened and should it be balanced out? David Geary, PhD, Curators Distinguished Professor of Psychological Sciences in the College of Arts and Science at The University Of Missouri, offers some solutions.
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Saving the World, One Laundry Load at a Time
Thousands of tons of microfiber pollution is being released into the planet’s rivers and oceans each year. John R. Dean, PhD, Professor of Analytical and Environmental Sciences at Northumbria University in the United Kingdom explains why this should concern you and he outlines simple steps that you can take to solve the problem.
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