Remote Viewing the Pandemic Richard welcomes a world renowned remote viewer to discuss the likely origin of the coronavirus, and what the world will like after the world-wide lockdown has ended.
GUEST: Douglas James Cottrell is best known as a trance clairvoyant. He is a spiritual healer, teacher, and published author who demonstrates many abilities studied by Noetic Sciences (the study of consciousness), including clairvoyance, telepathy, energy healing, remote viewing, prediction, and prophecy. He is one of a select few able to demonstrate all of these abilities, and even fewer who are considered a reliable information source. He teaches people the world over about spiritual development through the practice of meditation and the application of spiritual principles in daily life.
Haunted Railways Richard speaks with an author/journalist who will share stories of haunted trains and ghostly workers from the steam locomotive era to the modern day.
GUEST: Matthew L. Swayne currently works as a research writer at Penn State. Matt has worked as a reporter and as a music reviewer for several newspapers and online outlets, such as and He is a regular contributor to the recently revitalized version of Omni Magazine, called Omni Reboot. He writes the Anti-Matter column, which looks at fringe science and the paranormal, for the online magazine. He has also worked on writing projects with Paranormal State's Eilfie Music. Balancing skepticism with an open mind, Matt uses his experience in journalism and interest in both ghost lore and the paranormal to collect and tell stories about the supernatural.