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October 05, 2019

The Death of Local News plus Healthcare Myths
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Episode Segments:
The Death of Local News
Many locally-owned newspapers have shut down across the country, while others have been taken over by large corporations. How do these changes affect local communities, and can digital news really replace traditional papers?

Penelope (Penny) Muse Abernathy, from the University of North Carolina has conducted in-depth studies on the issue, and explains why the loss of a local newspaper is often devastating to a small community.

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Exposing Medical Myths
What you know about healthcare may be wrong! Arthur “Tim” Garson, MD, is the Director of the Health Policy Institute at the Texas Medical Center, and co-author of “Exposing the 20 Medical Myths: Why Everything you Know about Health Care is Wrong and How to Make it Right.” He explained why he believes it is possible to actually reduce the cost of healthcare, rather than simply slowing down the rate of increase.
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Innovative Way to Stop Teen Tobacco Use
What can do done to discourage tobacco use among young people? Louis Brown, PhD from the University of Texas UTHealth School of Public Health examined the surprising success of an new strategy aimed at middle and high school students.
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