The (Non-Financial) Cost of College to Families Attending a private four-year college is pricier than ever, averaging $50,000 a year. Prof. Caitlin Zaloom from New York University led a recent study that examined the surprising toll that college costs can take on middle-class families, in ways that go beyond the financial burden.
Marijuana's Shocking Effect on Parenting 54 percent of adults who use marijuana in the United States are parents. Prof. Bridget Freisthler from Ohio State University led a recent study of parents who use marijuana. She found that marijuana users are more likely to abuse or harshly discipline their children.
Back To School Organizing Kids who are organized tend to do better in school, according to Tracy McCubbin, author of “Making Space, Clutter Free: The Last Book on Decluttering You'll Ever Need.” She offers some easy tips for parents.