Better Parenting Through Science Parents know all too well that family, friends and so-called experts can dish out loads of advice on raising kids. But, much of that advice can be wrong, according to Prof. Emily Oster from Brown University. She examined some of this standard advice, compared it to scientific research and found that the conventional wisdom is often wrong. She offers advice to help new moms and dads to be better and more relaxed parents.
The Basics of Health Savings Accounts How much do you know about Health Savings Accounts? Roy Ramthun is an expert known as Mr. HSA and he explains the benefits of HSAs, how to avoid overpaying for medical services and how to shop for you own HSA.
The Cost to Taxpayers of the Opioid Epidemic The devastating consequences of the opioid crisis are far-reaching in the United States, in terms of lost and broken lives. Prof. Segel from Penn State University examined the often-overlooked costs to taxpayers via the impact to state and local budgets.