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August 24, 2019

Changing the World One Plastic Bottle at a Time & Ways to Help Autistic Kids
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Episode Segments:
Changing the World One Plastic Bottle at a Time
Will McCallum is the Head of Oceans at Greenpeace UK, and the author of “How to Give Up Plastic: A Guide to Changing the World, One Plastic Bottle at a Time.” He noted that humans produce over 300 million tons of plastic each year, with 12.7 million tons ending up in our oceans. He discussed the major impact that plastic and microplastic waste has on marine life and the environment. He said it is not possible to recycle all of the plastics used in our everyday lives. He outlined small changes that anyone can make to reduce the amount of plastic waste in their home or community.
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Ways to Help Autistic Young Adults Get Jobs
Joanne Lara, is an autism expert, former special education teacher, and Executive Director of the organization “Autism Works Now.” She said up to 85 percent of autistic adults are either unemployed or underemployed. She explained how “Autism Works Now” teaches pre-employment and workplace readiness skills to young adults with autism. She outlined the challenges faced by autistic students, and she explained the role that parents, schools and employers play in helping them to secure meaningful employment.
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First-Time Drug Abuse Peaks in the Summer?
Prof. Palamar led a study at the NYU School of Medicine that found that teenagers are more likely to experiment with recreational drugs such as LSD, marijuana, cocaine or ecstasy for the first time during the summer months. He said that the amount of free time on their hands once the school year ends and activities like music festivals are major factors in this risky behavior. He said parents should educate and warn their kids about using recreational drugs, their risks and side effects.
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