Wednesday • February 12
CST 11:35 | EST 12:35 | MST 10:35 | PST 9:35 | GMT 17:35
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October 30, 2015

Living, giving and entertaining with style & grace!
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Our guest this week is Elizabeth Moyer, creator of the Pretty Pink Tulips blog, which discusses living, giving and entertaining. Why did she name the blog Pretty Pink Tulips? Because that is what surrounds the exterior of her home each Spring… they have become her outdoor “signature” and she sees them as a metaphor for finding each person’s “signature” voice in fashion, style, decor and life. May you find and express whatever is your “pretty pink tulips”.
Episode Segments:
Up to the Minute: Elizabeth Moyer
We had a fabulous chat with Elizabeth Moyer of the Pretty Pink Tulips blog. We talked home, lifestyle, fashion and more! You're going to want to check this out!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Elizabeth Moyer
Hi! I’m Elizabeth… a stay-at-home mom of 2 young boys, an aspiring yogi and passionate about living, giving and entertaining with style and grace. I am a native Texan, but have had the joy of living in San Franciso, New York City, Charlotte, NC and now in a quaint little town in New York, along the Long Island Sound. Moving around honed my desire to make the most of wherever you are and celebrate every moment you can. My favorite quote is “Bloom where you are planted”!

Prior to starting this blog, I spent 14 years working for a large multi-national corporation, the majority of that time in marketing. After having my first son, I tried balancing a full time job and motherhood, but found that I longed to spend more time on the home front. My creative outlet had been and continues to be creating special moments for my friends and families, searching for that “perfect” gift and seeking out new people, places and experiences. After having my home on our local house tour and meeting and befriending stylist extraordinaire, Eddie Ross, I felt drawn into the world of blogging and soon wanted to begin one of my own.

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