Saturday • February 15
CST 11:03 | EST 12:03 | MST 10:03 | PST 9:03 | GMT 17:03
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Geek Speak Launches!
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Join Henry and Romo LIVE at 11a PST for the inaugural edition of the Geek Speak Radio Show! The guys welcome David Glanzer, marketing & PR Director for Comicon International who will talk about Comic Con 2010, give us a preview of APE 2010, and maybe tell us a bit about what to expect from Wonder Con and Comic Con 2011!

Join in with your comments and questions at 888-463-6748!
Episode Segments:
Geek Speak Radio Show HR 1 - Inception & Comicon
They also talk to Cam, who found something very interesting in Inception’s musical score. Then, David Glanzer, VP of Marketing and Public Relations for Comicon International gives us some of the highlights from San Diego, previews Wondercon and APE, and lets us know what the future holds for the Superbowl of Comic conventions.
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Geek Speak Radio Show HR 2 - X-Men First Class
Matthew Vaughn, director of the upcoming X-Men: First Class made some interesting comments in the LA Times about the future of superhero flicks, and the guys think he may have shot himself in the foot. Then, why the Inception phenomenon is just like Lost all over again. And we mean that in a good way.
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Links to Related Websites:
Comicon International Website
Comic-Con International is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to creating awareness of, and appreciation for, comics and related popular art forms, primarily through the presentation of conventions and events that celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.

Here's the You Tube Clip of the Inception Musical Comparison we discussed in Hour 1

Some of the music heard on The Geek Speak radio Show is from Mevio's Music Alley.
Check it out at