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May 27, 2011

The Smartphone Survival Guide
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That smart phone you or your kids use every day may put you at risk for data theft. We alert you of that and other dangers you might not be aware of. Then – your spending habits may have changed lately as gas prices jumped. But what really influences your buying behavior? We’ll give you the why behind the buy.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Smartphone Security
Millions of Americans own smartphones, but few bother to think about the sensitive personal and financial data the devices often contain. Privacy and identity theft expert John Sileo, author of The Smartphone Survival Guide talked about the potential dangers of a stolen smartphone and how users can set up security measures to protect themselves.
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InfoTrak: The Why Behind the Buy
Kit Yarrow, PhD, is an expert in consumer trends, behavioral economics and the psychology of shopping, chairwoman of the Psychology Department at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, and author of "The Why Behind the Buy" blog at Dr. Yarrow examined the ways that the Great Recession has affected Americans’ buying habits, and whether those changes are permanent.
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InfoTrak: America’s Most Endangered Rivers
Jessie Thomas-Blate is Manager of the Most Endangered Rivers Program for American Rivers, a national conservation group Her organization recently issued a list of the nation’s most endangered rivers. She outlined the list and explained why Americans should be very concerned.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
John Sileo
John Sileo began his writing career for The Harvard Crimson. After having his identity stolen two times, he wrote his first award-winning book, Stolen Lives, Identity Theft Prevention Made Simple. John is a contributing author to this blog as well as to many other publications, including Dr. Laura, AllBusiness, Womenof, SmallBusinessSuccess and many others. His second book, Privacy Means Profit, was recently published by John Wiley & Sons. John is particularly fascinated by subjects of information control, including identity theft, data breach, privacy, reputation management, cloud computing and social media.

The Sileo Group

Kit Yarrow
Kit is an award-winning consumer research psychologist, a professor, author, consultant and speaker. Her home base is Golden Gate University, where she chairs the Psychology Department and is a jointly appointed professor of both psychology and marketing. She is the 2009 Outstanding Scholar and has won four endowed research professorships in the past decade. She is currently the Nigel T. Miner Professor of Business. Kit has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the renowned Wright Institute in Berkeley. She teaches family therapy, counseling skills, applied psychology and psychopathology. She has taught consumer behavior at universities around the world, from Malaysia, Slovenia and Finland, to UC Berkeley. As part of her ongoing research on the psychology of consumers, Kit conducts interviews, ethnographies, focus groups and surveys on a regular basis. Examples of her research are published in her book, “Gen BuY” (Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 2009) and in her blogs on Huffington Post and Psychology Today. She also regularly presents her findings and analysis in speeches to both academic and business venues and consults to organizations and businesses. She is widely quoted in the media on Generation Y and consumer related topics.

Kit's Website

Jessie Thomas-Blate
Jessie joined American Rivers in 2010. Prior to that she worked for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission as their Habitat Coordinator. There she played a fundamental role in the establishment of the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership. Jessie also did an internship at the Natural Resources Defense Council where she focused on the reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act. She has a B.S. in Biology from Mary Washington College, and M.S. in Natural Resources from Delaware State University

American Rivers