Saturday • February 15
CST 10:01 | EST 11:01 | MST 9:01 | PST 8:01 | GMT 16:01
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Healthcare Consultant Sharon Hollander

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Sharon Hollander is an author, entrepreneur, and is a leading expert in the area of physician billing and reimbursement. Currently, she is the President of STAT Medical Consulting, a comprehensive medical billing service in Encino, California. Her book Medical Billing Horror Stories was released in June 2013.
Episode Segments:
Talkzone Newsmaker Interviews: Sharon Hollander

According to Sharon, the biggest misconception about medical billing is that it is simply clerical work. We learn more about her field, and how changes in America's healthcare laws are going to affect it, in this interview.
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Buy Medical Horror Stories

Anecdotes and real case studies ripped from the headlines about what doctors did which got them into trouble either with Medicare, HIPAA, The Office of Inspector General (OIG) or worse the FBI.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Sharon Hollander
Sharon Hollander is an author, entrepreneur, and a healthcare consultant in the area of practice management for over 30 years. She is a leading expert in the area of physician billing and reimbursement. Currently the President of STAT Medical Consulting, a comprehensive medical billing service in Encino, California providing billing services to physicians and surgeons in solo practice or small group practices. She has given many seminars on Billing, Coding, Fraud and Abuse, and has published a monthly column in MD News in the Inland Empire edition. Her first novel, a medical thriller called His Final Notice, is awaiting publication.

Sharon's Website