Taking Flight with Austin Meyer
Austin Meyer has been a plane and computer enthusiast from a young age. He took his first flying lesson at age 15 and had his pilot certificate by age 17. He developed a program called X-Plane for his own personal use. It is now the world's most comprehensive and powerful flight simulator, offering the most realistic flight model for general purposes, and is the first FAA-approved flight simulator for pilot training.
Links to Related Websites:
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Austin Meyer
Austin Meyer has been the owner and lead developer of the X-Plane flight simulator since its inception in 1995.
Popular Science likened him to Davidstruggling against the Goliath of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator development team, but X-Plane is still doing a thriving business after Microsoft’s Flight Simulator program has been shut down.
Austin lives in South Carolina with his wife and child.
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