Saturday • February 15
CST 10:51 | EST 11:51 | MST 9:51 | PST 8:51 | GMT 16:51
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Secrets from Miss America’s Outstanding Teen!
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Join Valerie as she talks with Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2013, Rachel Wyatt! She'll get the inside scoop on how Rachel felt when they announced her name as the winner and what she's been up to so far in her year of service. She'll also get Rachel's winning secrets so you can prepare for your next pageant!

Then Valerie will talk with Jennifer McKenna about MAOTeen’s fab Princess Program and how you get can your little princess involved. We look forward to having you join us for the show!
Episode Segments:
Pageant Talk Radio: Miss America's Outstanding Teen Rachel Wyatt

It's been a whirlwind month since Rachel won the crown. We'll find out what she's been up to, and learn about her platform Miracles Through Movement
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Pageant Talk Radio:Secrets from Miss America's Outstanding Teen

For those young ladies getting set to compete in their teen pageants, Rachel shares her experiences and gives you some tips on what to expect as you work your way through the levels of competition
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Pageant Talk Radio: MAO Teen Princess Program

You're never to young to be pageant fab! Princess Camp is designed for girls, ages 5 to 12, who are looking to improve upon skills that promote self-confidence and poise and find mentoring from today's young teen leaders. National Princess Camp Director Jennifer McKenna gives us all the details!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Rachel Wyatt
On Saturday, August 18, 2012, Miss South Carolina's Outstanding Teen 2012, Rachel Wyatt, became the eighth Miss America’s Outstanding Teen. Wyatt won more than $25,000 in college scholarships and the title of Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2013.This historic crowning moment marked her first steps on a journey that will take her across the country promoting scholastic achievement, creative accomplishment, community involvement and healthy living for our nation's youth. She will be traveling the country speaking to audiences about her platform Dance Therapy – Miracles through Movement and acting as the teen ambassador for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, the national platform of the Miss America's Outstanding Teen Organization.

MAO Teen on Twitter

Miss America's Outstanding Teen

Jennifer McKenna
Jennifer Pitts McKenna is a former Miss Virginia and Miss Virginia USA. Since moving to Orlando, Jennifer was appointed as Director of Development for the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Pageant, the “little sister” to the Miss America Pageant and served on the Board of Directors through the 2012 season and currently serves as the National Princess Camp Director. Under her leadership, Princess Camp has raised over $110,000 for Miss America’s Outstanding Teen.

Miss America's Outstanding Teen Princess Camp