Wednesday • February 12
CST 6:09 | EST 7:09 | MST 5:09 | PST 4:09 | GMT 12:09
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Miss America's Outstanding Teen!
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Join Valerie as she talks with Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2011, Elizabeth Fechtel! She'll get the inside scoop on how Elizabeth felt when they announced her name as the winner last August and what she's been up to so far in her year of service. She'll also get Elizabeth's winning secrets so you can prepare prepare for your local or state Miss America's Outstanding Teen pageant.

Then Valerie will talk with Teens in Training Camp Founder Tawni Darby about what's in store at this year's informative and inspirational pageant camp. Tune in to learn what you need to do in order to have your best Miss America's Outstanding Teen pageant ever!
Episode Segments:
PTR: Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Elizabeth Fechtel

Elizabeth gives us the scoop on her crowning moment, and what she’s been up to since winning last August. She also shares her winning secrets so you can prep for your local or state Miss America's Outstanding Teen pageant.
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Pageant Talk Radio: Teens in Training Camp

The Teens in Training Camp is back for it’s second fabulous year, and the camps founder Tawni Darbi returns to Pageant Talk Radio to tell us what’s in store for this year’s attendees!
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Links to Related Websites:
Miss America's Outstanding Teen
The Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Inc. has been organized to encourage positive achievement by helping to nurture and build the scholastic achievement, creative accomplishment, Healthy living and community involvement of our nation’s youth.

Teens In Training Camp
Teens in Training Camp is designed for girls, ages 13 to 17, who are interested in competing in the MAOTeen pageant system or who are looking to improve upon skills that promote self-confidence and poise.

Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Elizabeth Fechtel
On August 20, 2011, Miss Florida’s Outstanding Teen 2011, Elizabeth Fechtel, became the seventh Miss America’s Outstanding Teen. Beginning as Miss Orlando’s Outstanding Teen in January, Fechtel won more than $30,000 in college scholarships and the title of Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2012. The title of Miss America’s Outstanding Teen 2012 provides Elizabeth with a nationwide vehicle to promote her platform, S.E.R.V.E: Students Everywhere Recognizing Volunteer Efforts. Her mission is to highlight exemplary youth volunteers and, most of all, encourage others to discover the benefits of volunteering. Through her own local T.V. show and by speaking to youth across the nation, she concludes her program is a way to promote self esteem, meet local needs, and strengthen communities.

Miss America's Outstanding Teen Website

Tawni Darby
Tawni Darby, the Teens in Training Camp founder and former Miss Pennsylvania’s Outstanding Teen, began her involvement in MAOTeen at the age of 14. She was crowned Miss Pennsylvania’s Outstanding Teen in 2006 and went on to be awarded a non-finalist talent award at the national Miss America’s Outstanding Teen pageant. After competing in MAOTeen, Tawni was chosen as one of 30 dancers to attend the 2008 Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Arts. In 2009, she graduated as Valedictorian of Lincoln Park Performing Arts High School. She is currently a junior at Westminster College where she is studying Public Relations and Accounting and plans to attend law school in the future. Tawni is enjoying her internship at MAOTeen and is thrilled to be launching Teens in Training Camp.

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Teens In Training Camp Website