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December 03, 2017

The Top Challenges for Teens
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Teenagers can experience greater challenges and stress in today’s digital world than ever before. Parents play a greater role for teens than they may even realize. We’ll hear from a recognized teen advisor. Then, research shows that most mental health patients benefit from regular exercise, improving their mood and reducing anxiety.
Episode Segments:
The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make
Sean Covey is author of The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make: A Guide for Teens: Updated for the Digital Age. Mr. Covey outlined what he believes are the six largest challenges faced by today’s teens. He said the top challenge is dealing with the pressures of school. He also said parents have a far greater impact on their teens than they realize, much more than friends or others. He also explained why it is important for teens to learn to serve others, and to be willing to accept help from others, as well.
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Exercise and mental health
Carol Janney, PhD, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Michigan State University led a study that suggested that it may be wise for mental health providers to add exercise to their patients' treatment plans. In her survey, a large majority of mental health patients said they wanted to exercise more and believed exercise helped improve their moods and anxiety much of the time. She said psychiatrists and other providers may discuss exercise with patients in generalities, but rarely create a comprehensive exercise plan for them or regularly make sure they are adhering to a specific goal.
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Designated Drivers
Adam Barry, PhD , Assistant Professor of Health Education, University of Florida conducted a study that found that two in five designated drivers had been drinking before getting behind the wheel and that 18% had blood-alcohol levels high enough to impair their driving skills. He outlined the potential reasons that designated driver education campaigns have been less than successful.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Sean Covey
Sean Covey is Sr. Vice President of Innovations and Products at FranklinCovey, a world renowned organization devoted to helping individuals and organizations achieve greatness. Sean graduated from BYU with a degree in English and later earned his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. As the starting quarterback for BYU, he led his team to two bowl games and received numerous honors. He is the author of Fourth Down and Life to Go, and the international bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens which has sold over three million copies and is translated in over 15 languages. He is a popular speaker to youth and adult groups. Sean and his wife Rebecca live with their kids in the Rocky Mountains.

Sean's Website