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November 23, 2013

Millions of Jobs and No One to Fill Them
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Millions of Americans are unemployed. Yet nearly four million US jobs can’t be filled by employers. We have the story. Then, the statistics on sexual abuse are staggering. We’ll have an honest discussion with an expert on how abuse victims can heal.
Episode Segments:
InfoTrak: Millions of Jobs and No One to Fill Them

More than 11 million Americans are unable to find work, yet there are 3.9 million job openings. David Payne, Staff Economist at The Kiplinger Letter, overseeing Kiplinger forecasts for the US and world economies explained why many employers say they are having trouble filling positions. He said the majority of unemployed persons do not have the high-tech skills needed for most of the unfilled jobs. He said community colleges are an excellent resource for job hunters to gain skills to improve their prospects.
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InfoTrak: Emotional Healing After Sexual Abuse

Patti Feuereisen, PhD, psychologist who specializes in therapy for survivors of sexual abuse said that one in four girls will experience some form of sexual abuse by the age of sixteen. Many women never share their stories, but she believes that the healing process cannot begin until women talk about their experiences.
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InfoTrak: Talking About The End

Talking with a dying loved one is a difficult task. Samira Beckwith, end of lifecare expert, President/CEO of HOPE Healthcare Services offered suggestions on how to open a conversation with a terminally-ill patient. She said some doctors avoid having difficult conversations with their dying patients and will order needless treatments rather than tell their patients that they have exhausted all the treatment options.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
David Payne
David is staff economist for The Kiplinger Letter, overseeing Kiplinger forecasts for the U.S. and world economies. Previously, he was senior principal economist in the Center for Forecasting and Modeling at IHS/GlobalInsight, and an economist in the Chief Economist's Office of the U.S. Department of Commerce. David has co-written weekly reports on economic conditions since 1992, and has forecasted GDP and its components since 1995, beating the Blue Chip Indicators forecasts two-thirds of the time. David has master's degrees in both economics and public administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.David is staff economist for The Kiplinger Letter, overseeing Kiplinger forecasts for the U.S. and world economies. Previously, he was senior principal economist in the Center for Forecasting and Modeling at IHS/GlobalInsight, and an economist in the Chief Economist's Office of the U.S. Department of Commerce. David has co-written weekly reports on economic conditions since 1992, and has forecasted GDP and its components since 1995, beating the Blue Chip Indicators forecasts two-thirds of the time. David has master's degrees in both economics and public administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Kiplinger Website

Dr. Patti Feuereisen
Dr. Patti Feuereisen is a psychologist in private practice in Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. and Manhattan. She also trains staff who work with sex abuse survivors, speaks at colleges and high schools, runs workshops around the country, has book readings at various alternative book stores, is a speaker for Take Back The Night, runs workshops for foster and adoptive parents. Her next project is short film about incest survivors, their invisible stories, how they heal and thrive. During her 25 years of work counseling sexual abuse survivors, Dr. Patti found that girls who start to talk about their sexual abuse and bring it out into the open will get better, heal and thrive. She has helped many girls help themselves, and that is why she started this website, to reach girls all over the world. Girls need a site that is their own with a seasoned clinician to answer their questions, and communicate with them. Dr. Patti has also authored the book, Invisible Girls: The Truth About Sexual Abuse, now in its 2nd Edition Fall 2009. This groundbreaking book lets girls know all over the world that sex abuse is never the survivors fault! Invisible Girls teaches girls everywhere that they can heal and thrive after sexual abuse.

Dr. Feuereisen's Website

Samira K. Beckwith
Samira K. Beckwith, ACSW, LCSW, FACHE, has over 30 years' experience in professional health care and social services. She has served as President and CEO of Hope Healthcare Services, based in Fort Myers, Florida, since 1991. When she joined Hope, the agency was caring for a small number of hospice patients in the immediate Fort Myers area. Under her leadership, Hope has created an array of services for the frail elderly and children and today serves more than 2,200 people and their families in a 10,000 square-mile area throughout southwest and mid-Florida.

More About Ms. Beckwith