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June 08, 2019

Push-Ups and Heart Health
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What’s a better way to measure cardiovascular health than the typical treadmill test? The answer may be as simple as seeing how many pushups you can do. Then- where does recycled waste end up? Knowing the answer to that question encourages consumers to recycle more.
Episode Segments:
The Pushup Test
Stefanos N. Kales, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School co-authored a recent study that suggested that the number of push-ups a middle-aged man can perform might be a strong indication of his overall heart health. He found that men who can do more than 40 pushups in one minute have a 96 percent reduced risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease compared with men who could muster fewer than 10. He also noted that push-up capacity appears to be a better and obviously less costly measurement of heart health than the standard treadmill test routinely used by cardiologists.
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Recycling Awarness
Karen Page Winterich, PhD IS Associate Professor of Marketing, Frank and Mary Smeal Research Fellow, Penn State University. Dr. Winterich’s research team conducted six studies that found that when consumers are aware that recyclables are transformed into new items, they recycle more. She believes that improving consumer education should be a priority for any organization seeking to increase recycling.
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Mental Health Break from Work
Corporate psychologist and management consultant Patricia Thompson, Ph.D., author of The Consummate Leader: A Holistic Guide to Inspiring Growth in Others…and in Yourself
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Stefanos Kales
Stefanos N. Kales, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM, is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Professor and Director of the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH). He is Board Certified in Preventive Medicine: Occupational Medicine, and has been elected to Fellowship by both the American College of Physicians and the American College of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. Dr. Kales is the Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Medical Director for Employee Health and Industrial Medicine at the Cambridge Health Alliance, a Harvard-affiliated hospital system. He is also an occupational medicine consultant to the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Poison Control Center.

Dr. Kales has participated in a wide range of research, advisory, and teaching activities on five continents resulting in over 150 publications and wide recognition nationally and internationally. He also serves on the editorial boards of the Archives of Environmental and Occupational Health and on the international advisory board of Occupational Medicine, London.

Learn More About Dr. Kales

Karen Page Winterich
Professor Karen Page Winterich is a Frank and Mary Smeal Research Fellow and Professor of Marketing at the Pennsylvania State University. Winterich conducts research in the area of consumer behavior, with specific interests in the effects of consumer identities and emotions on consumer judgments and decision-making. Her research focuses on examining the effect of cultural and moral identities on charitable giving and brand evaluations as well as the impact of emotions on consumer decisions and consumption. Her research has been published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Applied Psychology, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, among others. She currently serves on the Editorial Review Board for Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Customer Needs and Solutions. She teaches marketing courses, including advertising and promotions to undergraduate students as well as a doctoral seminar consumer behavior. She also teaches a course on sustainable behavior among consumers, firms, and society as part of Smeal's Sustainability course offerings. Prior to joining Penn State University, she was on the faculty at Texas A&M University.