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May 29, 2021

How Wealthy People View Money
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Regardless of your income level, you can learn to regard money as rich people do- building wealth by investing more and avoiding debt. Then, if you are facing a complex medical problem, it is important to get a second opinion, according to research by a leading medical doctor.
Episode Segments:
What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money
Robert T. Kiyosaki is an investor, entrepreneur, and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not. Mr. Kiyosaki discussed the difference in how wealthy people view and use money, compared to middle and lower income Americans. He said it is not necessary to earn a high income to become rich. He explained why he thinks it is such a problem that few students receive any financial education in school. He also discussed the best job categories for young people who are ready to choose a career.
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The Importance of a Second Opinion
Many patients seek a second opinion before treatment for a complex medical condition. Thomas Beckman, MD, Fellow in Advanced General Internal Medicine at the Mayo Clinic led a study at Mayo that found that only 12 percent of second opinions confirm that the original diagnosis was complete and correct. He explained what illnesses should merit the pursuit of a second opinion.
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The Value of a Mentor
Mentors often make a huge difference in a young person’s career. Dennis C. Miller, author of “Moppin’ Floors to CEO” explained why older generations may be key to enhancing the career prospects of Millennials. He offered ideas for how to locate a mentor. He also explained why volunteering may be a wise career move for older members of the workforce.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Robert Kiyosaki
Robert T. Kiyosaki is best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. This is the #1 personal finance book of all time, which has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money.

His book title holds four of the top ten spots on Nielsen Bookscan List's Lift-to-Date Sales from 2001-2008 alone. In addition, Robert has been featured on shows such as Larry King Live, Oprah, The Doctors, Bloomberg International Television and CNN. Educational Entrepreneur, co-creator of the CASHFLOW® board game, founder of the financial education-based Rich Dad Company and author of New York Times Bestsellers: Rich Dad Poor Dad, Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money, and Unfair Advantage