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January 30, 2021

Prescription Drugs and Children
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Every day, US poison control centers get dozens of calls about kids being exposed to prescription drugs. An expert shares the disturbing facts. Then, the number of autism cases in the United States is rapidly growing. How are special education programs responding to the situation?
Episode Segments:
Opioid Poisoning
Each day In the United States, Poison Control Centers receive an average of 32 calls about children exposed to prescription opioids. Henry A. Spiller, MS, D.ABAT., Director of the Central Ohio Poison Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH explained what child is most at risk, how adults can prevent children and adolescents from gaining access to these drugs, and how to properly dispose of unused prescriptions.
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Autism and Special Education
Autism diagnoses have skyrocketed in recent years. Mark K. Claypool, author of How Autism is Reshaping Special Education: The Unbundling of IDEA discussed some of the underlying reasons for the increase. He also explained why it is important for children with autism to receive special intervention at an early age. He said support systems for parents have improved dramatically in recent years.
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Second Languages
Roughly 20% of American citizens are fluent in a second language. Susanna Janssen, language expert, newspaper columnist and the author of Wordstruck!: The Fun and Fascination of Language.talked about the less obvious benefits of learning a second language, including enhanced abilities in focus and concentration, memory, interpersonal skills and problem-solving. She also noted that several recent studies have suggested that bilingualism may be a buffer against the development of Alzheimer’s disease. She said bilinguals earn on average about 20% more than those who speak a single language.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Henry A. Spiller
Henry A. Spiller, MS, D.ABAT, FAACT is Director of the Central Ohio Poison Center and an Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.

The Ohio State University College of Medicine

Mark K. Claypool
Mark Claypool is a social entrepreneur who believes that all children can advance academically, behaviorally and socially if they are given the right tools in the right environment.

He obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Sociology from Middle Tennessee State University. He has held various positions in both state government and the private sector in mental health, juvenile corrections and education, and has more than two decades of experience in K-12 education, special and alternative education, behavioral health and residential treatment programs.

Learn More About Mark Claypool