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January 28, 2017

The Growing Issue of Sex Trafficking
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Today, in every corner of America, predators are targeting young, underage victims to bring them into the sex trade. Which kids are most at risk, and how can we protect them. Then, good communication skill is vital on the job. It can make everything run more efficiently. We’ll hear from an expert.
Episode Segments:
Sex Trafficking
Jan Edwards, President and CEO of Paving the Way, an organization that raises awareness about sex trafficking through public education, discussed the growing issue of sex trafficking. She said the problem is rampant in every corner of the U.S, and that the average victim drawn into the sex trade is age 14 to 16. She outlined other characteristics of those most at risk, and how predators target and groom their victims.
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Communication in the Workplace
Ted Frank, career consultant, author of Get to the Heart discussed the importance of learning how to effectively communicate in the workplace. He explained how it can increase efficiency and improve productivity. He believes presentations should focus on no more than three key points at a time, and that the use of examples and illustrations is crucial to improved communications.
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Saving on Electricity
Steve Cicala, PhD, Assistant professor at the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago, Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research led a study that determined that deregulated power markets on the wholesale level have significantly cut the cost of generating electricity, saving consumers $3 billion a year. He discussed how this little-known market works and why it should matter to consumers. He also explained how smart meters will eventually give consumers even greater power in managing their energy costs.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jan Edwards
As an author, a speaker and a coach, Jan is widely known for her leader skills and straightforward communication. She is committed to people living a life they love, regardless of their circumstances.

As a global citizen, she works with teams all over the world to educate and prevent trafficking, along with developing programs that empower people to create a life they love. She has worked with organizations such as Global Hope International Network, Florida Abolitionists, to expand their reach and sits on the board of the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning in Orlando. As a global Her passion is making a difference in the world by ending child trafficking: specifically to end children recruiting other children into the world of sex trafficking by raising awareness with the public. We work along side of the hospitality industry, law enforcement and management companies to collaborate, creating a culture of safety for these victims and ending this silent crime. As a global She has also written a book, Managing Aging Parents, While Keeping Your Sanity, to assist families during that challenging time of balancing it all - family, work, friends, parents and their health. Speaking and coaching families through this time in their life using real world experience and specific actions to take. As a global Her ability to lead teams has garnered her several awards, including Sales Manager of the Year in the Cable Advertising Industry and Volunteer of the Year with American Cancer Society in Daytona Beach. As a global She has successfully built and maintained high level relationships in several industries and organizations including United Nations, international charities, security organizations, along with elder advocacy. She gives voice to the voiceless.

Paving the Way

Ted Frank
Ted Frank is the principal of Backstories Studio, the leading firm in strategic storytelling, with clients that include Netflix, Fiat Chrysler, eBay, ESPN and Twitter.

He says: My road to movie-style storytelling was both lucky and wacky. First, advertising taught me to be simple. Then consumer insights taught me about people and why they do what they do. Working in strategy taught me about how big corporations work, and how they don’t. My second stint in advertising led me to film classes, where I started really looking at how movies tell stories. All of these brought me to Backstories Studio, the place where my colleagues and I take 100-page PowerPoint decks and turn them into three- to five-minute movies. But knowing that not everyone has the resources to make movies every day led me to create workshops, and subsequently this book. I want you and your department to have a new set of tools to make your information easy to get, and easy to get behind. So everyone––project leads, execs, and companies––can make a bigger difference.

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