Saturday • February 15
CST 1:22 | EST 2:22 | MST 12:22 | PST 11:22 | GMT 19:22
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Handwriting Analysis and its Uses
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We discuss the various uses of handwriting analysis. We talk about the entrepreneur and how it can assist in their success. Often a couple or a company will request a compatibility report to discover if their relationship will thrive. It can help the individual looking for a job not knowing what profession he or she may be best suited. We can look at the handwriting and discover talent within the individual that they may not realize they have. One of the most successful uses of handwriting analysis is in helping children with their self-esteem and helping them find success in school. We will talk about Changing Your Life by Changing Your Handwriting which is called Graphotherapy. With handwriting therapy you can lose your negative traits and gain positive traits. Your personality is literally in the palm of your hand.
Episode Segments:
Handwriting Secrets Revealed: Handwriting Analysis

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they right. In fact,handwriting analysts can discover over 144 personality traits buried within the writing. Learn more and specifics on our debut episode.
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