Saturday • February 15
CST 11:07 | EST 12:07 | MST 10:07 | PST 9:07 | GMT 17:07
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Stop Procrastinating- Take Back Your Mind
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It is time to get serious about your life. You have no time to waste, start now. You have to stop procrastinating. Take back your mind and take back your life.
Episode Segments:
The Hydn Rousseau Show: Stop Procrastinating
Take full responsibility for life and the things that happen to you. What are you doing with your free time? Is it good to spend all of your time in front of the television? Begin taking baby steps to go after your dream. Dream and Dream Big
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Links to Related Websites:
Failure Is Not An Option: A Memoir
Author Hydn Rousseau's father walked out on him, his three siblings, and his mother when Rousseau was five years old. Most of his daily meals as a young man consisted of bread and sugar water. He didn't graduate from high school. He was convicted for selling drugs and served eight and a half years in prison. But that didn't stop Rousseau from accomplishing his goals and dreams.