Saturday • February 15
CST 12:58 | EST 1:58 | MST 11:58 | PST 10:58 | GMT 06:58
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Grand Theft Auto
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Grand theft auto is not only the name of a popular video game, it’s a real-life experience for thousands of Americans whose vehicles are swiped each year. Cars, though, are much harder to steal these days. Frank Scafidi of the National Insur­ance Crime Bureau will explain why life has got­ten tougher for car thieves and what you can do to make it even tougher to steal your car.
Episode Segments:
Cars Trucks & Bucks: Grand Theft Auto

Grand theft auto isn't just a game. It's a real life experience for thousands of Americans whose cars get swiped each year. Our guest is Frank Scafidi of the National Insurance Crime Bureau. He will discuss what car thieves are looking for, and what you can do to make it harder to swipe your car.
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