Sunday • February 16
CST 10:26 | EST 11:26 | MST 9:26 | PST 8:26 | GMT 04:26
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William Harvey, Author of Malpractice!
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William Harvey discusses his career and his novel Malpractice based on his experiences in the Medical Legal Malpractice crisis that resulted in the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) limiting monetary awards for Pain and Suffering.
Episode Segments:
The Business of Medicine: Author William L. Harvey

While Malpractice! The Novel, is a work of fiction, it is rooted in the personal experiences and firsthand knowledge author William Louis Harvey acquired during his decades of working inside the medical industry during the 60's and the 70's.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
William L. Harvey
William Louis Harvey, a nom de plume, worked in California during the era of the California medical malpractice insurance crisis, as well as afterwards, when the MICRA law took effect, limiting the monetary awards for "pain and suffering" in trial verdicts. He also chaired a committee that reviewed all malpractice claims involving a major California hospital. Harvey continues to follow the national attempt to control the costs of medical malpractice litigation, known as Tort Reform. While Malpractice! The Novel, is a work of fiction, it is rooted in the personal experiences and first hand knowledge Harvey acquired during his years on the front lines of the clash between the medical and legal professions. Details of some of the cases he experienced are engraved in his memory, and small portions of these find their way into the novel—probably a common occurrence with writers of realistic fiction. Malpractice! the Novel refers to Tort Reform ( a tort, in civil law, is a wrongful act ). Harvey, like many others, believes that California’s MICRA law is a good model for national Tort Reform, with modification.

Malpractice! The Novel Website