Sunday • February 16
CST 10:29 | EST 11:29 | MST 9:29 | PST 8:29 | GMT 04:29
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Balancing Your Physique
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Getting a top score in fitness isn’t achieved by following a generic workout program. You’ve got to understand how to balance aerobic workouts and weight training for your particular body type. Join Valerie as she talks with award-winning pageant fitness trainer, Jay Mondick of Jay's Gym, about what you need to know in order to balance your fitness level and achieve your best pageant physique. He'll share his secrets for training top elite contestants and tell you how to select the best workout program for your body type. If you're competing on-stage in swimsuit or fitness attire you’ll want to tune in for this episode!
Episode Segments:
Pageant Talk Radio: Getting that Pageant Physique
Jay tells Valerie about how he got into bodybuilding, and more importantly, how he got into training pageant contestants. Jay also explains the importance of balancing cardio and weight training, and has some tips about how to get excited about the parts of your workout that you dont particularly like.
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Pageant Talk Radio: The Pageant Diet
Jay talks about what you should and shouldnt be eating, and why you need to figure out what your nutrition needs are. He also talks about different workouts tailored to different body types, and how to become pageant fit if youre working without a personal trainer.
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Pageant Talk Radio: Ask Valerie!
An important pageant skill is dealing with unexpected situations, and find out what Valerie did when she found herself in that situation. Then, get Valeries tips on the best approaches to talent competition, and her views on specialty pageants.
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Jay Mondick
I have been a personal trainer for 20 years in Northwest Houston. I have a life long commitment to bodybuilding and physical fitness. In the pageant industry, I have trained some titles including, Miss Texas, Miss Alabama, and judged American Queen Pageant. I provide contestants with custom work-outs to fit their needs to get them in the best shape possible for their pageant.

Click here to visit his website