Friday • February 07
CST 5:55 | EST 6:55 | MST 4:55 | PST 3:55 | GMT 11:55
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Real Makeovers: From The Inside Out
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Episode Segments:
The Many Sides of Anger
What does anger do to you, and how can you get a hold of it and use it? Miss V will show you the path to harnessing angers power, by looking at its many sides, and using only the positive ones.
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Negative Anger
Miss V examines the negative parts of anger, such as hostility and resentment, and explains why you need to recognize these in order to utilize them, and also why you need to hone in on the positive.
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Recycle and Refocus
Recycling is a good thing, right? So is recycling your anger. Miss V talks about how you can take that anger and refocus it, and she also has some stories about the lessons anger has taught her.
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