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June 28, 2021

Anger | How to Calm and Stand Up to a Dragon
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Episode Segments:
Anger | How to Calm and Stand Up to a Dragon
Anger is a complex emotion and not one that many of us are taught how to handle. Some of us bury it which can lead to depression. Others bully which leads to loneliness due to lost relationships. Some rage, others quietly and lethally seethe.

Charlie and I like to equate anger to a dragon that lives within each of us. Some of us let it sleep until it gets poked one too many times and then it brings chaos to anyone around it. Others walk around with it on their shoulder snarling at everyone.

1 An untrained dragon creates chaos and fear. No hope, progress, dreams or loving relationships can flourish if you dragon is out there kicking and screaming.

But there's a different way. A trained dragon is a strong ally. It sticks up for us, it fights against injustice, it makes things happen.

On this episode, we discuss the different forms that anger takes, how to express anger and how to start taming your own dragon. You'll also learn strategies for handling the fire when someone turns their angry dragon on you. Hint: water beats fire every time!

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