Saturday • February 15
CST 11:07 | EST 12:07 | MST 10:07 | PST 9:07 | GMT 17:07
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A Pageant Director's Perspective
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How do the decisions made by a pageant director impact the competition and ultimate outcome of the pageant? What does it take to build a recognized brand within the pageant industry? How can looking at competing from a Directors perspective help you to be a more prepared contestant?

Mary Richardson, National Director of the Mrs, Miss, and Miss Teen International pageants, joins host Valerie Hayes to answer the questions that contestants and pageant parents have been dying to ask.
Episode Segments:
Mary Richardson Part One
Mary discusses what makes her pageants unique and different from the rest, why she decided to emphasize community service in her pageants, and what she thinks makes a contestant stand out. Plus her criteria for judges and scoring, and information on how to become a state director.
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Mary Richardson Part Two
Mary talks about her guidelines for directors, how they go about responding to complaints, and what she hopes the legacy of her pageants will be. Plus find out how at-large contestants are selected, and what Mary thinks is the most important thing to know when you are competing.
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Ask Valerie
Valerie answers listeners questions via e-mail and phone on a wide variety of topics, including hairstyles, pageant prep, getting feedback without scores, hiring a local coach, and more!
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Guest(s) Appearing on this Episode
Mary Richardson
Mary Richardson is the national Director for the Mrs., Miss, and Miss Teen International Pageants. Mary won the title of Mrs. Virginia International in 1992. She became the state director for Virginia in 1995. In the year 2000, Mary was awarded the National Directorship title for the Mrs., Miss and Miss Teen International Pageants. Visit her website and learn more about her at

Click here to visit the Miss Teen International Website