Saturday • February 15
CST 12:53 | EST 1:53 | MST 11:53 | PST 10:53 | GMT 06:53
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Staying Positive
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Join us to talk more Illini sports! This week will include Herb Gould of the Chicago Sun-Times & Mark Tupper of the Decatur Herald & Review. Plus, Rich Gray, AAU Coach for top Illini recruit Bradley Beal.
Episode Segments:
Talking Illini 10/27/09 HR 1
Ron Gunther says Ron Zook's job is safe. Is he crazy, or is he lying? Boz & Mr. H host a roundtable discussion with Herb Gould and Mark Tupper about the state of Illini football, and the future of the coaching staff.
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Talking Illini 10/27/09 HR 2

Rich Gray gives Boz & Mr. G the lowdown on his AAU program, how he preps his kids for the next level of play, and on the progress of Illini top recruit Bradley Beal. Then, Boz & Mr. G talk hoops, and recruiting.
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