Friday • February 07
CST 4:43 | EST 5:43 | MST 3:43 | PST 2:43 | GMT 10:43
Other Non-Flash Media Players



About Us


TalkZone is Internet Talk Radio with the quality difference! Our  mission is to offer our fast-growing audience high quality spoken word programming, with hosts who are passionate and knowledgeable.

Unlike other Internet talk networks, we offer our show hosts the potential of both Internet and over-the-air radio syndication -- along with marketing and interactive solutions. Creating and building powerful brands is what we do best!

TalkZone offers listeners a live 24/7 stream, plus all past shows available anytime for instant, on-demand playback.  

We welcome your suggestions as we continue to make the best Internet Talk Radio on Planet Earth.





The TalkZone studios and offices are located in suburban Chicago at
616 N. North Court, Palatine, IL 60067

