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January 18, 2015

The Searl Effect
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Richard and guest host and Follow The Truth contest winner Dwayne Hickey welcomes the inventor of the Searl Effect Generator (SEG) which promises to provide a clean and abundant source of energy.
Episode Segments:
The Conspiracy Show: The Searl Effect

Our guest John Searl is a Professor and Inventor of The Searl Effect Generator (SEG), which is a self-contained, electrical power generator, able to produce clean and sustainable energy. It is a magnetic prime mover that operates without friction and can supply electrical power to suit both home and industry.
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The Conspiracy Show: Cosmic Assention

Elizabeth Trutwin is working on the Congressional Hearings Initiative, a project of Paradigm Research Group. A White House Petition asking for support of a new Congressional Hearing on the Extraterrestrial Issue launches January 7th, 2015. Also, they have Tweeted over 750,000 Tweets to 535 Congresspersons since CHI began November 5, 2014. A formal Disclosure has been a passion of hers since she quit her job in 2008 to work on it full time.
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Links to Related Websites:
The Searl Solution

The official website of Professor John Searl. Learn why the SEG is the global energy solution and the future paradigm shift.