Friday • April 19
CST 10:03 | EST 11:03 | MST 9:03 | PST 8:03 | GMT 03:03
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Jimmy Durante and Sherlock Holmes
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It’s another great week of great sounds from not so long ago. We’ll hear THE JIMMY DURANTE SHOW from 1948, Basil Rathbone as SHERLOCK HOLMES, in an episode from 1945 and THE ADVENTURES OF OZZIE AND HARRIET.
Episode Segments:
Radio's Golden Age: The Jimmy Durante Show

JIMMY DURANTE SHOW (2-18-48) With Peggy Lee, Candy Candido, Alan Reed, announcer Howard Petrie and guest Victor Moore, who wants to sing a song. Rexall, NBC.

SHERLOCK HOLMES (10-22-45) “The Great Gandolfo” stars Basil Rathbone as Holmes, who must solve the murder of a magician’s assistant. Petri Wines, MBS.
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Radio's Golden Age: Ozzie and Harriet

ADVENTURES OF OZZIE & HARRIET (1-23-49) Ozzie Nelson and Harriet Hilliard star, with John Brown, Henry Blair, Tommy Bernard. Ozzie is eager to show off his skill at card tricks. International Silver, NBC.
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