Thursday • April 18
CST 8:15 | EST 9:15 | MST 7:15 | PST 6:15 | GMT 01:15
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Attention Deficit (ADHD)
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Teaching children is certainly a challenge. And the challenge becomes greater when a student has ADHD. Children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder live in the moment, undeterred by rules or consequences. But in the right structure, these students can still succeed, or even thrive. Our guests are Dr. Bilal Polson, Assistant Principal for the Northern Parkway School on Long Island, and member of the board of governors for the Early Childhood Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English and Veronica L. Schauder, Licensed & Certified Clinical Social Worker, School Social Worker, and former Forensic Social Worker.

Executive Function 101; Prepared by the National Center for Learning Disabilites

Episode Segments:
Educviii: Dr. Bilal Polson

Dr. Polson gives us a better understanding of what ADD and ADHD are, and talks about some of the misconceptions are about attention differences.
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Educviii: Veronica Schauder

Ms. Schauder discusses executive function and how it relates to attention differences. She will also discuss the role of the parent in pinpointing problem areas, and how they can help their children reach their full learning potential.
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Links to Related Websites:
ADDitude Magazine

A magazine, community & web site dedicated to strategies and support for ADHD and LD adults and families.

National Center For Learning Disabilities

The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) works to improve the lives of all people with learning and attention issues.